Product Information
Data Product ProvenanceMUSES Version 1.11
Approximate file size~15 MB per file
Spatial coverageNominally 50S to 70N coverage on a subset of observations.
Temporal coverageEach L2 nominal Standard file contains 1 day of data
File formatNetcdf
Vertical sensitivityCH4 has sensitivity between approximately 800 hPa and the tropopause with approximately 1 degree of freedom.
Data qualityThe data have undergone a pre-quality check, which involves checks for retrieval convergence and vertical sensitivity.
UncertaintyKulawik et al. (2020): 30 ppb single, 17 ppb daily, 10 ppb seasonal errors
Validation StageAIRS CH4 is at validation level 3 based on NASA guidelines (see below). CRIS CH4 is aat validation stage 1
Retrieval Levels26 levels: from surface to top-of-atmosphere
Data Information